Stories of Service


By: Katie Boehm




明尼苏达州国家和社区服务委员会正在与一家社会影响技术公司合作, Edquity, 帮助美国志愿队成员渡过意想不到的财务困难

MINNEAPOLIS, (November 19, 2021) ServeMinnesota, the state’s hub for AmeriCorps programs, 今天宣布为美国志愿队成员设立紧急援助基金,以帮助减少服务的财务障碍. The program is funded by the 舒尔茨家族基金会的国家服务挑战. 这项挑战的资金由当地合作伙伴提供的匹配赠款解锁 PNC Bank.

这些赠款将用于支持在明尼苏达州社区服务的美国志愿队成员 17 programs across the state. AmeriCorps members serve in the areas of education, economic development, substance use disorder recovery, housing, and the environment.

“我们真的相信这个项目将成为我们许多明尼苏达美国志愿队成员服务的重要桥梁,” said Audrey Suker, chief executive officer of ServeMinnesota. “过去两年是一个变化无常的时期, 我们知道我们的会员在服务期间可能会遇到财务障碍. 舒尔茨家族基金会的资金使我们能够继续投资于我们的美国志愿队成员.”

为了确保快速、公平地分配应急资金,“服务明尼苏达州”选择与 Edquity, 这家社会影响技术公司的紧急援助分发技术已经为大学生分发了超过7500万美元的联邦紧急资金. Edquity应用程序采用基于证据的决策框架,优先向最需要的人提供资金,并将个人与当地资源联系起来.

“现金转移支付是促进金融稳定的最有效工具之一, 通过我们的工作,我们已经看到快速和公平地分配紧急资金如何对受援者产生持久的影响,” said David Helene, founder and chief executive officer of Edquity. “我们很自豪能与servinnesota合作,支持他们的美国服务队成员,推进他们的使命,以服务为中心促进积极的社会变革.”

明尼苏达州服务局本周正在与美国志愿队成员联系,介绍应急基金. All eligible members can apply for funds using the Edquity app.


About ServeMinnesota

“服务明尼苏达”通过部署美国志愿队的人力力量,将研究成果转化为实际实施,创造了积极的社会变革. Each year, 成千上万的人致力于通过澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端改善明尼苏达人的生活,提供变革性的服务机会, affordable housing, employment, the environment, 戒毒康复和应对COVID-19危机. Two of its innovative strategic initiatives, Minnesota Reading Corps and Minnesota Math Corps, 在他们的工作中展示执行速度,以缩小成绩差距,帮助挣扎的学生成为成功的学习者. By leveraging federal dollars, building strong community partnerships, and continually improving programs, 为明尼苏达服务确保国家服务能够为我们的国家做出有意义的贡献. For more information, visit

About Edquity

Edquity致力于通过技术支持的解决方案来减少基本需求的不安全感, capacity, and equitable distribution of funds. We partner with colleges, universities, foundations, government agencies, 以及研究人员改善紧急援助和其他基本需求项目的管理. 我们的方法论利用了社会学的集体力量, behavioral science, and technology to address common pitfalls, including racial bias, inefficiency, compliance risk, and lack of transparency and monitoring. 我们的工作被证明可以提高学生的持久性和完成度,我们得到了包括Lumina基金会在内的领先高等澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端影响力投资者的资助, ECMC Foundation, the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation, the Kresge Foundation, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Learn more at

About the Schultz Family Foundation

The Schultz Family Foundation, established in 1996 by Sheri and Howard Schultz, former ceo and chairman emeritus of Starbucks, 为面临成功障碍的人群创造机会之路, 重点关注向成年过渡的青年和边缘化人群, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. 通过在全国各地的社区投资可扩展的解决方案和伙伴关系, 该基金会旨在帮助解决阻碍个人充分发挥潜力的障碍和障碍, in doing so, strengthen our communities and our nation. 有关基金会及其工作的更多信息:

About PNC Bank
PNC银行,全国协会,是PNC金融服务集团公司的成员. (NYSE: PNC). PNC是美国最大的多元化金融服务机构之一, organized around its customers and communities for strong relationships and local delivery of retail and business banking including a full range of lending products; specialized services for corporations and government entities, including corporate banking, real estate finance and asset-based lending; wealth management and asset management. For information about PNC, visit

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